Thursday 21 July 2011

I done made me a ruffle cake!

Ok so I didn't make it just for me, I was forced to share! I made it for another surprise party and this one actually was a surprise! Well sort of. Anyway, my friend Westerby (hiiiiiii Westerby) is a girly girl. A really girly girl. So what better then than a massive frilly pink cake that tastes like strawberries?

It was basically a strawberry sponge covered with a pink swiss meringue butter icing. This was my first proper batch of this icing and it was a revelation I tell you!
My boyfriend actually said 'What?! What is this??? It tastes like a fluffy pink cloud!' I was so happy with the icing that I decided the more the merrier and filled the whole cake with it too...

I know I know, you're probably thinking its a little excessive and you'd be right... I have made my love of butter perfectly clear and I make no apologies for the fact that this cake may or may not have contained almost 1.5kgs of the stuff...

Speaking of excessive I was left with about 35 egg yolks to use up at the end of it all.

 I have to say if you've never stuck (very clean) hands into a bowl of egg yolks I highly recommend it. Not to those of you who don't like raw egg (Hibb I'm talking to you here) that wouldn't be wise. I'm one of those odd people that really rather likes the feel of raw egg and raw meat, is it just me? Is there anyone else that likes that? Am I alone? Answers on a postcard

If you do try and make this cake, don't be like me, don't finish the whole thing only to lean across and stick your arm in it. It's infuriating and it smudges up all the little ruffles. This might have happened to me a number of times, its fixable you just have to scrape off the damaged icing and re-ruffle it.

So there it is, 1.5kgs of butter, 35+ egg whites and plenty of pink food colouring :)
Enjoy! x

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